auto importieren in die schweiz

Car Import to Switzerland: Safely Importing Your Car from Germany

With the Import-Butler, importing your car to Switzerland is a piece of cake. Hassle-free processing, professional import, and quick registration.

Import butler - Autoimport services proven expert
  • 1.4 MILLION CAR IMPORT OFFERS: Thanks to our partnership with, importing cars to Switzerland has never been easier.

  • CALCULATE CAR IMPORT: Full cost transparency for your car import in seconds.

  • CAR IMPORT SERVICES: With thousands of successful vehicle imports and registrations in Switzerland.

Car Import to Switzerland in 6 Steps.

From secure car transport to Swiss registration: Import-Butler efficiently guides you through all the steps of importing a car. Count on a decade of expertise and convenience.

Transport Autoimport Schweiz

Step 1: Car transport by truck.

With our Car Transport to Switzerland service, your vehicle is safely and efficiently transported from Germany to Switzerland. We handle the entire coordination – from pickup to delivery.

Step 2: Import and customs clearance.

During the car customs clearance for Switzerland, we ensure your vehicle is correctly imported, registered with German customs, and take care of the Swiss VAT and automobile tax. This way, you can reclaim the VAT you’ve already paid to the seller.

the co2 tax on car imports

Step 3: Handle the CO2 tax during car import.

When importing a car into Switzerland that has either been registered for less than 6 months or is between 6 and 12 months old and has travelled less than 5000 km, the CO2 tax is payable. Import-Butler not only takes over the complete handling of the CO2 tax, but also secures you special conditions on this CO2 tax.


Step 4: Express Vehicle Inspection for Your Import.

Before you can register your imported vehicle in Switzerland, it has to undergo the MFK (vehicle inspection). With Import-Butler, we efficiently handle this crucial inspection for imported vehicles in just 5–10 working days, instead of the typical 4–6 weeks.

Step 5: Car Insurance Market Check.

When importing a car to Switzerland, insurance premiums can vary. With Import-Butler, you secure the best car insurance protection and take advantage of exclusive offers.

Auto Zulassen Registrieren

Step 6: Registering Your Imported Car in Switzerland.

Navigate the road registration process with our expertise after importing a car. From the initial documents to the license plate: We simplify the journey to registration at the Road Traffic Office.

Car Import to Switzerland: The Ultimate Guide.

Importing a car from abroad to Switzerland? Subscribe to our newsletter for step-by-step instructions and essential tips from transport to Swiss registration.

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Car Import to Switzerland: The 3 Phases of Processing.

We’ve distilled the six steps into three clear phases for you: Discover, Calculate, and Drive.
Hop on and learn how Import-Butler has simplified car imports to Switzerland since 2012.

Car Import to Switzerland: Important Questions and Answers.

Importing a car to Switzerland can raise many questions, whether it’s about costs, legal aspects, or the actual import process. That’s why we’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions and their answers for you here.

If you’re searching for attractive vehicle offers from Germany, numerous platforms are available to you. stands out as Germany’s leading car marketplace, similar to Autoscout24 in Switzerland.

Why use for car importing? Our partnership as Import-Butler with not only grants you access to a wide range of vehicles but also the added feature of calculating the complete import costs for Switzerland directly within the vehicle’s detailed view. This way, you benefit from maximum cost transparency and can make well-informed decisions.

Prepare for an efficient and insightful search, and leverage the synergies that our partnership with offers. Best of luck with your vehicle search and the subsequent import to Switzerland!

When buying a car in Germany for importation to Switzerland, there are several important steps and documents to consider:

  • Price comparison: Make sure that the vehicle still represents a more cost-effective offer even after factoring in all import costs.
  • Documentation: Ensure that you receive all the necessary documents, such as the purchase contract, the Certificate of Conformity (COC), and, if applicable, the Certificate of Origin/EUR.1. The purchase contract should separately itemize the value-added tax (VAT).
  • Value-added tax: Look for vehicles where the value-added tax is itemized and can be recovered. This allows you to reclaim the value-added tax after importing the vehicle into Switzerland.
  • Warranty: Familiarize yourself with the warranty conditions of the vehicle. Some manufacturer warranties are valid throughout Europe, while others may be limited.
  • Vehicle history: Request a comprehensive vehicle report to check for potential previous owners, accident history, or other important information.

The warranty question for car imports into Switzerland is a crucial criterion often raised by buyers, especially when comparing domestic and imported vehicles.

  • Legal Regulation: According to Swiss contract law, Article 210, Paragraph 1, imported vehicles are typically protected by a two-year warranty from their first registration abroad. This ensures you a minimum level of protection for your imported vehicle.
  • Extended Manufacturer Warranties: It’s important to note that some car brands offer more generous warranties for purchases abroad, which can extend up to five years and apply throughout Europe. These warranties can be comparable or even superior when compared to the warranties you would receive when purchasing a new car directly in Switzerland.
  • Additional Security with Extended Warranties: If you desire more security, there is an option to purchase an extended warranty through Import-Butler. Das gibt Ihnen eine erweiterte Deckung, die über die gesetzliche oder herstellerseitige Garantie hinausgeht.
  • Comparison with Swiss New Cars: A new car purchased directly in Switzerland often comes with a five-year warranty that includes free servicing. Es ist wichtig, die Kosteneinsparungen eines Imports gegen die Vorteile einer solchen umfassenden Garantie abzuwägen.
  • Value for the Buyer: While warranty terms are crucial, they should always be considered in the context of the overall value proposition. Sometimes, the financial savings from an import can be so substantial that they offset minor differences in warranty terms.

In summary, it can be said that the warranty question when importing vehicles into Switzerland needs to be carefully considered. However, with the right research and guidance, you can ensure that you get both a good price and the desired warranty protection.

The cost-effectiveness of importing a car into Switzerland is a key issue that many potential buyers extensively research. The answer to that isn’t one-dimensional and requires a deeper consideration of various aspects:

  • Price Differences: In many cases, cars are more affordable in countries like Germany, especially when considering models produced in higher volumes. A direct price comparison between listings on platforms like and will give you a clear idea of the potential savings.
  • Import Costs: When calculating, you should consider not only the purchase price but also all the import fees involved. These include currency exchange, value-added tax, transportation costs, vehicle inspection, and registration. Thanks to tools like our “Import Cost Calculator,” you can quickly and transparently determine these expenses.
  • Tax Savings: Importing a car into Switzerland can provide you with certain tax advantages. The value-added tax paid in Germany can be refunded after importation into Switzerland as long as the vehicle bears the notation “VAT refundable.”
  • Vehicle Selection and Availability: The vehicle selection in larger European markets is often more extensive. This gives you the opportunity to find specific models or equipment variants that may not be available in Switzerland.
  • Expertise: Thanks to our years of experience and expertise in car importation, we can assist you in making the entire process smooth and efficient. Our partnership with, Germany’s largest car marketplace, ensures you have access to a wide range of vehicle listings.

In conclusion, importing a car into Switzerland, taking all factors into account and with the right guidance, is often financially worthwhile. Nevertheless, individual decisions should always be based on a detailed cost-benefit analysis.

The costs of importing a car into Switzerland vary and are based on several factors that are worth considering in detail if you want to realize the maximum savings potential of a car import:

  • Vehicle Factors: The cost of importation heavily depends on the car brand, model, features, registration date, and condition. High-end models or special features can lead to higher import costs.
  • Taxes and Fees: A significant cost factor is the import taxes and customs duties. This includes considerations of the vehicle’s CO2 emissions and its weight, among other factors. The current currency exchange rate also plays a role here.
  • Value-Added Tax: Note that when importing a car, you need to account for both the foreign and Swiss value-added taxes. Fortunately, the foreign value-added tax can be reclaimed after importation, significantly reducing the costs.
  • Additional Costs: Consider expenses for transportation, the Motor Vehicle Inspection (MFK), and registration. These vary depending on the distance and service provider.

Example Calculation: Let’s assume you’re importing a midsize car from Germany with a purchase price of 25,000 euros. With an exchange rate of 1.1, that equates to a value of 27,500 CHF. Adding 4% automobile tax (1,100 CHF), potential weight-based customs duty, and 8.1% value-added tax, this results in total costs of approximately 30,862.50 CHF before additional fees and transportation costs.

  • Cost Calculator: To make your life easier, we offer the car import cost calculator. With it, you can calculate the total import costs up to Swiss registration within seconds and get a clear picture of all the expenses involved.

In conclusion, while importing a car to Switzerland comes with additional costs, the overall savings compared to local prices can make the import process highly valuable. Therefore, a precise cost analysis is the key to determine whether an import is financially viable.

Value-added tax (VAT) is a central aspect of importing a car into Switzerland and requires careful consideration to maximize financial benefits:

  • Foreign Value-Added Tax: When buying a vehicle abroad, the local value-added tax is typically added to the purchase price. However, this amount can be refunded when exporting the vehicle. It’s important here that the vehicle bears the notation “VAT refundable” to ensure the refund can be processed.
  • Swiss Value-Added Tax: After importation into Switzerland, the Swiss value-added tax of 8.1% is levied on the value of the imported vehicle. This considers the vehicle price minus the foreign taxes and after currency exchange.
  • Refund Process Overview:
    1. Payment for the vehicle, including the foreign VAT.
    2. Registering the vehicle with foreign customs for export.
    3. Processing the importation with Swiss customs.
    4. Receiving an import confirmation from Swiss customs.
    5. Handing over this confirmation to the foreign dealer.
    6. The dealer refunds the prepaid VAT to your account.
  • Tools for Transparency: Managing value-added tax correctly may seem complex, but with tools like the car import cost calculator, we provide you with clear cost transparency. This way, you can ensure that all VAT aspects are handled correctly and that you benefit from potential refunds.

In conclusion, precise calculations and knowledge of value-added tax are crucial when importing a car to avoid any financial disadvantages and fully capitalize on the benefits of importing.

The importation of a car into Switzerland follows a specific procedure that takes into account both legal regulations and financial aspects:

  • Swiss Customs: The central point in car importation is Swiss customs. Various taxes and duties are applicable here and need to be considered. This includes the automobile tax, potentially weight-based customs duty, and the value-added tax.
  • Customs Documents: Various documents are required to correctly register the vehicle with customs. These typically include:
    • Purchase contract (with clearly indicated value-added tax).
    • EC Declaration of Conformity (COC)
    • Certificate of origin / EUR.1
    • Copy of the foreign vehicle registration.
  • Import Declaration: An essential step is the Swiss import declaration. This precisely determines the amount of tax payable for the imported vehicle. Bei dieser Prozedur unterstützt der Import-Butler als erfahrener Zolldeklarant und kann die Einfuhrdeklaration elektronisch ausstellen.
  • Customs Cost Calculation: Customs costs are composed of various items:
    1. Purchase amount excluding foreign taxes.
    2. Currency exchange based on the current customs exchange rate
    3. 4 % automobile tax
    4. Potentially weight-based customs duty (CHF 15.- per 100 kg).
    5. 8.1% value-added tax on the calculated total.
  • Payment of Customs Costs: The due customs costs can be paid directly at the border or conveniently processed through the Import-Butler customs account.

Final Note: Importing a car into Switzerland may seem complex, but with the right support and tools like the car import cost calculator for a transparent cost overview, the process becomes significantly easier.

For many who wish to import a vehicle from Germany, using customs license plates is recommended. However, these special plates have some particularities:

  1. Insurance Coverage: A German customs license plate is equipped with liability insurance only. This means that damages to your newly acquired vehicle during transport are not covered. Especially for newer vehicles where you need time to become familiar with the driving characteristics, additional comprehensive insurance may be advisable. To bridge this gap, we offer a special import comprehensive insurance solution in collaboration with renowned Swiss insurance providers.
  2. Validity Period: The customs license plate from Germany has a predetermined validity period. You can choose between 5 and 30 days. Due to potential waiting times for the Swiss MFK inspection, we recommend choosing the maximum duration of 30 days to remain flexible.
  3. Customs Clearance: If you are transferring your vehicle yourself, you are responsible for exporting it from Germany and importing it into Switzerland. Keep in mind that many customs offices are closed on weekends, which can affect your planning.

Alternative Solution: As a stress-free alternative to self-conveyance, we recommend vehicle transport via a truck. This way, you can sit back and enjoy the anticipation of your new car.

The cost of importing a car can vary depending on the circumstances. When you entrust the import to us, the average processing time is 3 to 4 weeks. Although it often happens more quickly, we want to be transparent and provide a realistic timeframe.

There are numerous factors that can influence car importation:

  • Dealer Delays: Sometimes, the car dealer may not be able to provide all the necessary documents immediately.
  • Traffic Conditions: Heavy road traffic can impact the delivery time.
  • Customs Clearance: Capacity limits at customs points can lead to waiting times.
  • MFK Inspection: The scheduling of the MFK inspection appointment can vary.
  • Insurance: Issues or delays with providing proof of insurance may occur.
  • Holidays: Holidays can further extend the process.

An exact scheduling is therefore difficult. Nevertheless, we make every effort to keep you informed and to make the import process as smooth as possible.

Not every imported vehicle can be easily registered in Switzerland. For common passenger cars that comply with Swiss norms and standards, there are usually no registration difficulties.

However, for special or rare vehicle types, we recommend verifying with the Road Traffic Office before making a purchase. It’s always advisable to check the eligibility for vehicle registration in advance to avoid any surprises later on.

The CO2 tax for vehicles imported into Switzerland does not apply across the board. It is levied if the vehicle has been registered abroad for less than 6 months or is between 6 and 12 months old and has travelled less than 5000 km. The amount of the levy depends on the make, weight and CO2 emissions of the vehicle.

For detailed information and a precise calculation of the CO2 tax, you can obtain further information here.

For private individuals who wish to present a vehicle at the motor vehicle inspection, the waiting time varies depending on the canton. It can be between 4 and 6 weeks. This can be particularly challenging if your customs plate is only valid for a short duration such as 5, 15 or 30 days.

To minimise such waiting times and accommodate you, we offer a special 5 working day MFK express service. This will help you get on the road faster and more efficiently.

If you are moving to Switzerland, there are certain steps you need to take to correctly re-register your car. Within one year of your move, you should have your vehicle imported, inspected, insured and registered. An important point: With the form “Übersiedlungsgut” you can avoid the automobile tax as well as the VAT in Switzerland. Read more

Do you have questions about direct import? Talk to us!

Do you have questions about the car import procedure, the necessary documents, registration or customs clearance of vehicles in Switzerland?

Use our extensive knowledge database on the subject of “Importing a car in Switzerland” or contact us directly. Our experts will be happy to help you with your direct import and explain the exact procedures and costs for car import.

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Your guide to importing vehicles into Switzerland

At we make the car import process transparent and easy for you. From transport to customs clearance and registration – you can rely on our comprehensive service.

You can reach us as follows:


08:30 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr
14:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr

Car Import Switzerland
Service Type
Car Import Switzerland
Provider Name
Büelrainstrasse 15a ,Winterthur,Switzerland- 8400,
Telephone No.052 343 71 60